Step 1: Complete registration questions #
Head to to create your account.
Your company name will be publicly visible to jurisdictions and homeowners and attached to every plan you upload. Your legal business name is not necessary (LLC, Inc., etc.), but it cannot match any company names we already have on record.
Your website will not be publicly visible unless you add it in the firm details section on the next page, but is a useful identifier for our records.
Your mailing address will not show publicly on your listings, but it is necessary for us to contact you about your account and listings. You can begin typing your address in the top box (labeled “Enter a location”) to autofill your address.
Account contact information will be used internally to contact you about your account and listings. It will not show publicly on your listings. You will need continued access to the entered email address in order to continue registration and to log into the Designer Portal in the future.
Step 2: Verify your email using the link sent to you #
Check the email you entered in the Account Contact fields to verify your email address. The email should have a subject line similar to “Complete Your Registration: Verify Your Email with ADU Plans.” If you do not receive the email, check your Spam or Junk folders or contact us at
Click the verify button in the email, which will take you to a successful verification screen:
Step 3: Log into your account #
Head to to log into your account. Enter the email address used to create the account. Note: You must have access to this email account to continue logging in.
Next, check your email for the four-digit verification code and enter that number into the popup.
If the system instead says your user information is not found, double-check that you used the same email you used to register and confirm that you verified email ownership as part of registration. Note: The system takes a few minutes to add you as a user if you registered immediately before logging in. Wait 3-5 minutes and try again.
If you need further support, request help by contacting us at
Successful login will take you to your designer account dashboard. Continue to Creating Your Designer Profile and then Adding and Activating New Plan Listings.