You can edit your profile at any time by clicking the yellow “Profile” in the upper right of the Designer Portal when logged in (log in at This will take you to the same screen as when you created your profile.
You can update all fields within your profile, including account contact, firm description, whether your plans are available for licensing across California, and where you’re available for support services.
NOTE: If you change your account contact email, this will change your login email.
NOTE: If you change your answer to the question “Would you like your plans to be listed in Plans galleries across all of California?” from YES to NO, this will not remove your plans from galleries where they’ve already been selected. You will need to fully deactivate your listing (see Deactivating or Deleting Your Plan Listings) to fully remove your plan from all galleries or contact individual jurisdictions to ask that they remove it. (You can also reach out to for support.)
For more information about specific fields in your profile and how they might affect your listings, see Creating Your Designer Profile.
Previewing your profile details #
After you draft or activate a plan listing, you can click on the listing name from your dashboard to see your firm details as they will show on a live listing. When viewed from a local gallery, plan listings will show additional information about approvals and designer availability depending on the location.
NOTE: You can preview your plan listing whether it’s activated or a draft.