Once you have registered for your account, you can access your account and complete your profile. Once your designer profile is complete, you can begin adding ADU listings.
Step 1: Log into your account #
Head to designer.aduaccelerator.org/login to log into your account. Enter the email address used to create the account – you must have access to this email account to log in.

Next, check your email for the four-digit verification code and enter that number into the popup.
If the system instead says your user information is not found, double-check that you used the same email you used to register and confirm that you verified email ownership as part of registration. Note: The system takes a few minutes to add you as a user if you registered immediately before logging in. Wait 3-5 minutes and try again.
If you need further support, request help by contacting us at support@aduaccelerator.org.
Step 2: Complete your designer profile #

After entering your one-time code, you’ll be redirected to your profile page. You’ll see Account Contact name in the upper right corner. You can access your profile by clicking the yellow Profile in the upper right corner or by clicking the complete your profile link on the main screen.
Basic details #
Your company name will be publicly visible to jurisdictions and homeowners and attached to every plan you upload. Your legal business name is not necessary (LLC, Inc., etc.), but it cannot match any company names we already have on record.
Your website will not be publicly visible unless you add it in the firm details section on the next page, but is a useful identifier for our records.
Account contact information will be used internally to contact you about your account and listings. It will not show publicly on your listings. You will need continued access to the entered email address in order to continue registration and to log into the Designer Portal in the future.
Your mailing address will not show publicly on your listings, but it is necessary for us to contact you about your account and listings. You can begin typing your address in the top box (labeled “Enter a location”) to autofill your address.
Licensing and services availability #
Do you want to list your plans in Galleries across California? This is an important question that impacts where your plans are available for jurisdictions to add to their gallery.
- Selecting “yes, make my plans available across all of California” means your plans will be available for all locations in California to add to their gallery as a pre-designed plan, available for purchase/use by homeowners. Your plan will also be visible in the statewide Plans Gallery. Jurisdictions may also reach out to invite you to apply for pre-approval.
- Selecting “no, include my plans only where they’ve been pre-approved” means your plan will only be visible on jurisdiction galleries where you have marked it as pre-approved and the jurisdiction has confirmed pre-approval. Your plan will not appear in the statewide Plans Gallery.
Please note: If you select yes but later change your mind, this will not remove existing active plans from any galleries where it has been selected. You can deactivate your listing (see Deactivating or Deleting Your Plan Listings) to fully remove your plan from all galleries.
Where are you available for support services? Adding counties in this field will indicate to homeowners in those areas that you may be available for services like site planning, customization, and permitting support. Your services are always subject to availability and specific location – if a homeowner reaches out, it is okay to tell a homeowner that you’re currently too busy or otherwise unavailable.
Step 3: Add your public details #
Homeowner contact #
This information will be publicly visible on each plan you add. Homeowners are given this information to move forward if they are interested in your plan.
Email and/or Phone should be added if homeowners should get in touch with you to purchase or use your designs.
Website location should be added if your plans are available online with no designer interaction. For example, County of San Diego plans are available for free online without needing to contact someone.
Firm details #
Firm Overview This information will be publicly visible on each plan you add. It is a great opportunity to introduce your work to the homeowner including design philosophy, available services, and years of experience. We recommend including:
- Company website
- Years of experience
- Design philosophy
- Available services (if applicable)
If you copy and paste this content from another program (Google Docs, Microsoft Word, your website), it may bring along extra formatting that takes up characters and impacts design. We highly recommend pasting the content without formatting, which you can do by:
- Copying the content then pasting by pressing Ctrl+Shift+V on Windows or Cmd+Shift+V on Mac
- Using a website like https://pasteplaintext.com/, then copying and pasting into the field
- Pasting the content into a plain text file, then copying and pasting into the field
Minority-owned, woman-owned, and languages spoken This information will be publicly visible on each plan you add. In the future, these will will be added as a filter on the public galleries. Add languages individually – as you start typing, a list will appear below the field. Click the language to add it.
Step 4: Accept terms of service #
Please read the terms of service carefully before completing your profile. Click the checkbox at the bottom to accept the terms and finish your profile. You can revisit these terms at any time by editing your profile (see Editing Your Profile). Contact designer@planningcollaborative.com with any questions.
Click Finish to complete your profile and return to the portfolio page to begin adding your plans!
Step 5: Preview your profile details #
After you draft or activate a plan listing, you can click on the listing name from your dashboard to see your firm details as they will show on a live listing. When viewed from a local gallery, plan listings will show additional information about approvals and designer availability depending on the location.
NOTE: You can preview your plan listing whether it’s activated or a draft.