This document walks you through the Admin Portal where you manage your Calculator and Plans Gallery. We recommend going into the Admin Portal regularly, especially after you receive emails regarding updates to the tools or notifications about plans. Examples include when Countywide Assumptions for the Calculator are updated or new plans have been added.
First, launch the Admin Portal #
- Go to
- Enter the email address that you registered for access
- You will receive an email with a 4-digit code to enter for access
- Check your spam folder if it doesn’t arrive within a couple of minutes.

NOTE: If you aren’t sure you are registered or if you don’t receive a code, reach out to and we can check for you.
Your Jurisdiction Name Tab #
The screen you land on might look slightly different depending on which tools you have. Either way:
- Navigate to the last item on your navigation bar, which should be your jurisdiction name
- Click on Profile.
See example below for Anytown.
Profile Page #
This is where you can update information about your jurisdiction. Visit the Completing and Editing Your Profile article for detailed instructions.
On this page you can add or edit the following:
- Your mailing address will not be publicly visible and will not show on your tools, but may be used by the ADU Accelerator team to contact you about your account and calculator/gallery.
- Your jurisdiction logo or seal will show in the header of your Plans Gallery and/or ADU Calculator.
- Contact instructions for homeowners will appear on your Gallery and/or Calculator, including in the footer on every page. This text will appear with the heading “Questions about building an ADU?” and should briefly describe where homeowners should go for more information.
Users Page #
This is where you can manage who has access to the Admin Portal and who receives communications about the Calculator and Gallery. Visit the Adding and Managing Jurisdiction Users/Contacts article for detailed instructions.
NOTE: All contacts in the system receive all notifications for both the Calculator and Plans Gallery tools. We highly recommend coordinating internally so you know who is in charge of Calculator and Plans Gallery settings, particularly who will be confirming pre-approved plans in your Gallery.
Calculator Management Tab #
If you have an ADU Calculator, you can navigate to the Calculator Tab. This will open a dropdown menu for Countywide Parameters, Jurisdiction Parameters or Detailed Report.
If you’re new to the Calculator, or haven’t updated things in a while, take a look at the Calculator Onboarding Help Doc for more information about researching and gathering local data how to set your local assumptions.
See example below for Anytown.
Countywide Construction Parameters Page #
The Countywide Construction Parameters Page shows the Countywide Configuration where you can view (but not edit) the Countywide Development Parameters. These are the assumptions that are set for the countywide level. These include:
- Countywide base construction costs for each type of construction as well as systems costs like kitchens, bathrooms, electrical, plumbing and heating.
- Finance defaults include the length of loan, loan interest rate, insurance cost, property tax rate and rental management rate.
- Rent defaults include annual rent increase, average tenant stay and vacancy time for finding new tenants.
NOTE: You cannot edit these parameters in the Admin Portal. If any of these numbers seem off email to discuss adjusting them.
Jurisdiction Parameters Page #
The Jurisdiction Parameters Page shows the City Configuration where you can update local rules for ADUs.
Guidance on how to set the assumptions are included along with the editable fields. This is where you can adjust your local ADU assumptions, including:
- Max ADU Size – What are the maximum permitted ADU sizes for studio, 1 BR and 2 BR units in your jurisdiction?
- Rents – What are the average rents for 500 and 1,000 square foot units in your community?
- Local Construction Cost Adjustment – How do construction costs for your jurisdiction compare to the County as a whole?
- Building Permit and Planning Fees – What are typical building permit and planning fees as a percentage of development costs?
- Impact Fees – What are typical impact fees?
Click the Save button to save content.
Plans Gallery Management Tab #
If you have an ADU Plans Gallery, navigate to the Plans Gallery Tab which will open a dropdown with pages where you can manage your Gallery. Visit the Gallery Support Center for articles that will walk you through Building your Gallery, Launching your Gallery and Maintaining your Gallery.
Your Jurisdiction Name Gallery Page #
The Jurisdiction Name Gallery page allows you to view what your public gallery will look like to users. You can view and filter your gallery selections here. Visit the Previewing Your Gallery Before You Launch article for more info.
See example below for Anytown.
Select Plans Page #
This page shows you all eligible plans in a grid similar to live a Plans Gallery, including filters on the left hand side.
- Pre-designed plans available for purchase/use across the state
- Prefabricated plans available for purchase – note that all of these plans are marked as pre-approved because of their state or federal approval.
NOTE: If you’ve added pre-approved plans to your gallery, you may see some plans that say “Pre-approved” at the bottom instead of “Select for gallery.”
Visit the Adding Prefab Plans and Adding Pre-designed Plans articles for detailed instructions.
Pre-Approved Plans Page #
The Pre-Approved Plans page shows you all locally pre-approved plans in your gallery, plus any waiting for confirmation/rejection. Each row shows you the plan’s featured image, name, and designer, along with the reference number and date approved information submitted by the designer.
Visit the Confirming or Declining Pre-Approved Status article for detailed instructions.
Gallery Settings Page: Customizing your Gallery Intro #
The Gallery intro section will appear on your Gallery in the top section, under the header How to build an ADU in [your jurisdiction name]. This is a great place to alert homeowners to anything they should know early on in the ADU process. Should they contact utilities early? Take special care if they’re in a high fire hazard or coastal zone? This message could also be something simple and friendly encouraging them to build ADUs for your community. This field is limited to 300 characters.
Visit the Start Here: Building Your ADU Plans Gallery article for more info.
Analytics Tab #
This tab shows traffic and analytics for the Calculator. Navigate to the Plans Gallery Tab which will open a dropdown with pages where you can manage your Gallery.
See example below for Anytown.
Data Analytics Page #
As of October 2024, the Analytics tab is active for the Calculator tool only. Analytics for Plans Galleries is coming soon! This page shows what types of ADUs users of your Calculator are choosing for their ADU project including types of construction, bedrooms and square footage. This information may be helpful so you understand the types of ADUs your residents are thinking about building.
Traffic Page #
This page shows how many people are visiting the Calculator by county and by month for your jurisdiction Calculator. If you are not getting many visitors, you may want to publicize your Calculator. Visit the Publicize Your Calculator article for recommendations, template language and graphics.