If your jurisdiction owns plans (no designer ownership) that you want to add to your gallery, you will need to set up a designer account and add the listings. We can assist you with this and give you full directions on how to set everything up. Email us at support@aduaccelerator.org or contact anyone on our team to get started.
Here are some things to keep in mind for this unique type of designer account/plan listings.
In the designer portal:
- If possible, use a general contact email to create the designer account – in case of staff turnover, you’ll want someone to be able to easily access the account.
- Under licensing and services availability:
- Selecting “yes, make my plans available across all of California” means other jurisdictions will be able to add your plans to their galleries.
- Selecting “no, include my plans only where they’ve been pre-approved” will mean they only show on your gallery (assuming they are pre-approved in your location).
- It is NOT possible to include your plans in only your gallery if they’re not pre-approved by your jurisdiction.
- Do not add any locations under support services, including your own jurisdiction, unless your staff helps homeowners directly with preparing site planning and permitting materials (this is very unlikely).
- Under homeowner contact, select how homeowners will access the plan documents. This is likely a website, but could be phone or email.
- For firm overview, you might include a sentence or two about how your plans were developed.
In the plan listing:
- Make sure you add your jurisdiction under pre-approval details. This will then show up on your jurisdiction/admin account for confirmation (see Confirming or declining pre-approved status).
- When adding a pre-approved location, reference number and date approved are purely for the jurisdiction’s reference – if these are not relevant to your own plans, use placeholder/fake information. The fields are required and cannot be left blank.